The HR Cartel Podcast

Join the Cartel, as we fearlessly unravel the risk in workplaces, discuss Unions and Regulators, and talk-straight about the often ludicrous world of workplaces and business.

(047) Bikies didn't 'turn' the CFMEU into a criminal organisation

As we watch the government and the CFMEU scramble to defend themselves in the wake of corruption allegations, I fear the scope of the argument is far too narrow to make any outcome meaningful. We cannot let any political party manipulate the system so far that Australian’s lives, even those distant from any construction union’s reach, are negatively impacted, unaffordable, and left with nowhere to go, while our political class line their pockets and do nothing about real criminals hiding in broad daylight. Lets talk about it.


(046) The CFMEU & Labor aren't the only ones to blame. Let's talk about the rest of them.

In the fall out of the crime and corruption committed by one of the biggest unions in Australia, we need to ask – who’s really at fault here?  Who is to blame when an industry gets so toxic, that for decades, it can’t be stopped? It can’t be turned around, and so people exit the industry. They write to politicians for help. No one listens and finally, it is left up to journalists to expose the truth.

How does it get there? I’ll tell you how it gets there. It gets there because everybody agrees to play that game. Let’s talk about all the players at fault…

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(045) CFMEU and Union Conduct Exposed!

Finally, thank goodness some Australian journalists have the freedom and courage to report the truth when they learn about it. After 9 months of investigating, journalists have produced a set of recordings and statements that demonstrate what many of us have been saying all along. The corruption in Australia’s building and construction industry, funded by the government, and controlled by CFMEU thugs, can no longer be ignored. I’ve been asked my thoughts by many over the last few days – well, I’m not surprised, but will we see this Union deregistered? This is a shocking demonstration of how life can be for employers in Australia – employers must fight back against over reaching Unions partnered by the ALP.

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After a brief hiatus due to injury and illness – I’m back! Let’s talk about the poor leadership decisions and lack of leadership courage combining to hold back employers and businesses in Australia. It’s not their fault (leaders) – this has been a 10-15 year dip into the abyss of businesses/workplaces trying to appease people, make everyone happy, and be accepted by everybody. Its a trap – and now businesses are suffering the affects.

As noted in the podcast, Martin Moore’s Quote:

“The leader’s mantra has to be, respect before popularity! Think about all the ways that your popularity will be threatened in the day-to-day leadership arena. You have to be able to challenge, coach and confront your people in order to build team capability and performance.”

Martin Moore

The website

Our recent blog: Every Leader Gets Nervous

We review a list of breaches and penalties (totalling $1.7M) from a recent case where 45 breaches were identified, including document and payslip errors, as well as underpayments. Excellent example of how much Employers will be liable to pay for simple errors of record keeping and payslip details. We also look ahead to picture what this case may have looked like next year, with wage theft laws introducing imprisonment and multi-million dollar fines.


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New Industrial Relations laws coming into effect on 26 August 2024 will significantly impact on employers who engage or intend to engage casual employees and contractors. These updates bring vast changes to how casual employment is defined and managed, and the risks of engaging contractors. Ultimately, employers have lost control caused by union wish lists being granted and brought into law.

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