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Download 3 FREE Employee Templates

Labor is changing casual employment rules… again.

Aussie employers (once more) are about to experience another set of (new) rules for casual employees, and of course, Tony Burke will redefine the classification of casual work, as part of the Labor government’s ongoing industrial relations reform agenda.

Fresh Changes to the Fair Work Act: Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill 2023

In the latest round of employment law updates, we’ve seen the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 pass on 22 June 2023, which means more changes that employers need to stay on top of.

Commission firms up changes to the Professional Employees Award

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced many changes this year, and one you may have missed or forgotten about was its intention to make significant changes to the Professional Employees Award 2020 (Award).

Fair Work Commission to vary 121 Modern Awards

Fair Work Commission intends to vary 121 Modern Awards

Union influencing Labor to impose $4M fines on small business owners

It’s already difficult enough to run a small to medium sized business in this economy, and with the Labor government shooting out their endless quiver of overreaching regulations, how many SMEs out there will start to revolt?

78 Modern Awards Varied: Impacting Leave During Shutdowns

Announcing Award variations to 78 Modern Awards – effective 1 May 2023.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting: it’s rigged.

Is there anyone in Australian politics that has the courage to point out a setup anymore? Both major parties have been incredibly weak and almost fraudulent with their stance on the ‘gender pay gap’, and they’re now taking…